Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Happy 4th of July! Let's Eat!

Barbecue grills aren't the only things that are hot right now! With temperatures soaring into the triple digits in many parts of the country it's time to sit back and enjoy the hot summer the best way we can - with good food, good friends and cool beverages.

Independence Day is a great excuse to do just that. Invite some friends over or invite yourself to someone else's house - as long as you make a few of our suggested Independence Day menu items, you'll be welcome anywhere.

Hamburgers and hot dogs are the most commonly served food on the 4th of July, so we couldn't help but include our favorite Bison Burger. (If you plan to serve hot dogs, read the foodell article about the history of dogs and find a healthy choice for your dog lovers!)

Also on the menu are some new uber-American favorites such as Oven Fried Pickles and Melon Ice Cream.  It's going to be a great day!

Here are some delicious recipes for your Independence Day Menu:

Happy Independence Day to you and your loved ones.  Bon appetit!

- Chef Susan

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