Thursday, July 16, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

The economy is in the tank, winter produce is getting tiresome, and buying peanut butter is considered a risky venture. And now this? I’ve just read that researchers at Clemson University in South Carolina have debunked the five-second rule. The premise of the five-second rule (I actually go by the ten-second rule which applies to people over 40) is that if food is dropped, a few seconds of floor contact doesn’t make that food less desirable or safe. The Clemson clan discovered that bologna left on a surface contaminated with salmonella for five seconds picked up enough bacteria to make someone sick. I have since reflected on my personal research of the matter over the course of 45 years. I have tested the five- or ten-second rule with chocolate covered raisins, M&Ms, cookies and a variety of other precious foods. These tests were conducted in the controlled environment of my house (in a public place all bets are off.) Although I haven’t tried this with salmonella or bologna (I don’t keep either around the house), I have experienced no ill side effects thus far. I will continue my testing for the next 45 years or so and report any exceptional findings. As for the Clemson researchers, perhaps they can find a better way to spend their grant money then on bologna.

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